Arp Peculiar Galaxy (Northern) Observing Program
Amorphous Galaxies Section (14 Categories; Arps 146 to 268)
17. Galaxies with associated rings. (Arps 146 – 148)
Arp 147
Canary 4 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 x 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-15 / 00:35
18. Galaxies with jets. (Arps 149 – 152)
Arp 150
Canary 1 / L (1 x 50 seconds) / 2020-11-03 23:23
Arp 152
W / L (1 x 90 Seconds) / 2019-06-27 / 08:44
19. Disturbed galaxies with interior absorption. (Arps 153 – 160)
Arp 154
W / L (1 x 60 seconds) / 23 August 2017 / 17:46
Arp 157
Canary 4 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 x 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-09 / 23:25
Arp 158
Chile 2 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 x 20 seconds) B ( 1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-27 / 22.35.58
20. Galaxies with diffuse filaments. (Arps 161 – 166)
Arp 164
Chile 2 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 x 20 seconds) B ( 1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-27 / 01.55.10
Arp 165
Chile 2 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 x 20 seconds) B ( 1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-30 / 02.30.56
Arp 166
Chile 2 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 x 20 seconds) B ( 1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-24 / 02.55.54
21. Galaxies with diffuse counter-tails. (Arps 167 – 172)
Arp 168
Canary 2 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-04 / 23.14.48
Arp 169
Canary 4 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 x 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-07 / 21:25
22. Galaxies with narrow counter-tails. (Arps 173 – 178)
Arp 178
Canary 3 / L (1 x 50 seconds) / 2020-06-22 / 00:26
23. Galaxies with narrow filaments. (Arps 179 – 193)
Arp 184
Canary 4 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-16 / 02.40.58
Arp 185
Chile 1 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 x 20 seconds) B ( 1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-22 / 03.55.52
Arp 186
Canary 4 / L (1 x 50 seconds) / 2020-10-31 / 21:19
24. Galaxies with material ejected from nuclei. (Arps 194 – 208)
Arp 200
Canary 4 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-15 / 00.30.32
25. Galaxies with irregularities, absorption, and resolution. (Arps 209 – 214)
Arp 210
Canary 4 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-12 / 01.35.39
Arp 212
Chile 2 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-19 / 01.30.12
Arp 213
Canary 4 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-12 / 01.30.51
26. Galaxies with adjacent loops. (Arps 215 – 220)
Arp 216
Chile 2 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-19 / 01.35.03
27. Galaxies with amorphous spiral arms. (Arps 221 – 226)
Arp 222
Canary 4 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-11 / 01.40.45
Arp 223
Canary 1/ L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-16 / 20.09.53
Arp 225
Canary 4 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-16 / 02.55.52
Arp 226
Canary 4 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 x 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-07 / 21:30
28. Galaxies with concentric rings. (Arps 227 – 232)
Arp 227
Chile 2 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-18 / 02.05.54
Arp 229
Chile 2 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 x 20 seconds) B ( 1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-24 / 01.50.33
Arp 230
Chile 1 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 x 20 seconds) B ( 1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-21 / 04.40.12
Arp 231
Chile 2 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 x 20 seconds) B ( 1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-11-02 / 23.36.01
Arp 232
Chile 2 / L (1 x 50 seconds) / 2020-10-26 / 04.40.45
29. Galaxies with the appearance of fission. (Arps 233 – 256)
Arp 235
Canary 4 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 20 seconds) B (1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-11 / 22.35.37
Arp 245
Chile 2 / L (1 x 50 seconds) / 2020-05-01 / 00:44 UTC
30. Galaxies with irregular clumps. (Arps 257 – 268)
Arp 259
Chile 1 / L (1 x 50 seconds) R (1 x 20 seconds) G (1 x 20 seconds) B ( 1 x 20 seconds) / 2020-10-23 / 03.50.15
Forward to Double and Multiple Galaxies Section
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